Welcome to Your Website!

This page is designed to give you some important information about your website. You can use the links below to quickly navigate to the most important areas of your website.

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How To Videos

Workflow: The Page Builder is mandatory as pages will not display correctly with out it. Also this gives you the added builder features and modules you will need for editing the website easily on the front OR back end.
Editing A Page: Edit on Front End (Enable Visual Builder) – GREY Color – text, video, image, etc
Adding a Page OR Post: When in the website backend post or page area, always duplicate the page or post then edit as needed with the page builder.

Your websites Top Level Menu should not be added to. It has been coded to fit on all various sized screens. Drop down menu items (pages) may be added.

Some of your forms are made with the contact form module. Payment forms will be embedded code (e.g Donorbox)

This is just an image uploaded. Original artwork will need adjusted as Goal reaches fullfillment.

If you having issues editing an area please contact us at Precision by email or phone us at 519-376-3687